Takeout and Delivery


I can hand-deliver this anywhere in NYC after April 30th when the show closes. If you need shipping, please send an email to mari@bymariandrew.com after purchasing :)

GRACE AND GRATITUDE: Takeout and Delivery

For this piece I used a technique called ‘felted wool painting.’ It is a laborious process, and each one takes upwards of 20 hours to complete. I source my wool from a small family farm in North Dakota which is committed to providing their beloved sheep with a natural and joyful life.


Many of us who live in New York enjoy an embarrassment of riches when we’re feeling peckish. I’ve found myself growing increasingly hungry as I frantically Google “BEST pad thai in New York,” never content to settle for the noodle dish down the street.

A big part of why I live here is that I get to make a lot of choices on a given day (for someone who grew up on Choose Your Own Adventure Books, this is a huge deal), but I never want to lose sight of how much abundance is available to me and how easily I can lose track of it. 


In the time you’re waiting on your delivery, consider every single human involved in bringing your dinner to you:

1) The delivery guy who saved money for months to buy his bike, and the family who encouraged him to take the treacherous journey to America because they believed it could give him a better life,

2) The cooks sweating in the back of the fluorescent-lit kitchen of a beautiful restaurant, those who have been sautéing noodles for seven hours now and dream about sleep that’s on the other side of their 90-minute commute home,

3) The hostess who packs your delivery bag and plastic utensils, who just got a text from a guy she’s been seeing—he’s been seeing other women, and she’s devastated,

4) The immigrants who harvested the peanuts for the condiment that will be thrown away later tonight.

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